
A Nighttime Mission

The following week I stayed at Krishay Manor and kept my distance from Magdalon. He did not come to see me and I was thankful. Our last encounter had left a foul taste in both of our mouths. Although our recent coupling started with warm feelings, our amorous inclinations quickly diminished in the wake of stark discoveries of each other

A week after I hired a private investigator, I had the information I needed; at least it was a start. After dinner that night, I retreated to my bed chamber and prepared for my first mission.

At my request, Akiko came to help me and she’d dressed in dark attire like I’d asked. She placed my sharpened throwing knives in a row on my dresser and went to get my frock, cape and boots for me.

I’d already taken off the elaborate gown I’d worn for the day and placed it across my bed. Removing the fancy leg wrappings, I exchanged them for dark toned ones in a simple style, suitable for hiding my throwing knives. Akiko helped me with the dress and buttoned it up at the back for me. I then slipped into the dark leather boots she’d purchased and did up the laces. They were comfortable and I thankfully felt at home in them.

Akiko handed me the black, oversized cape and I placed it over my shoulders and secured the clasp at my neck. Stepping in front of the mirror, I realized I’d forgotten something.

I turned to Akiko and asked, “Can you help me with my hair? I need to get it pinned up, make it look shorter.”

“Should I call Azubah?” she asked sarcastically.

“Must you ask?”

“Sit down and I will try my best.”

I took a seat at my beautician table and Akiko went to work, placing combs and pins into my tresses until, from a frontal view, it looked as though my waist length hair barely reached my shoulders. With the cape’s hood over my head, the deception should be easily concealed.

“That will do,” I said.

“How will you sneak off your estate without alarming the guards at the gate?”

“I discovered a secret exit in the back of my property, near the flower garden. I will need your assistance. You will need to lock the gate after I leave and let me in when I return.”

“How will I know when you return? You want me to sleep among the flowers all night?”

“It won’t take me that long. I should be back within an hour or two.” I reached for the reed pipe which Akiko had purchased for me at the market. “I will send a signal and try to warble it like Enyo used to.”

“A bird’s trill.”


Both of us grew contemplative as we recalled how Enyo was brutally murdered by the Tonrar.

“Don’t get caught by those evil wraiths,” Akiko warned.

“You mean the evil Shen.”

“It will take some time to remember all the code names.”

“We must get used to the codes.”

“I am trying my best,” Akiko insisted.

We waited in my bed chamber until the shadows lengthened, the night gradually grew darker and my estate fell into silent sleep. Well after midnight, the two of us snuck out the back door, through the flower garden, past the stable and to the hidden back entry along the stone fence surrounding my estate. Brush and trees almost completely concealed the gates existence. I’d practiced undoing the intricate lock so it did not take me long to get the door open. Akiko watched me carefully so that she could reproduce what I’d just done.

Before I slipped on through, Akiko, placed a hand on my arm and asked, “Which direction are you heading?”

“I am going to a ship captain’s home. His coverling has been helping herself to men of higher esteem than her own husband. I will teach her a lesson she will not forget.”

“What is the ship captain’s name?”


Akiko nodded.

“And then, I will make another visit to a bath house. There is a woman there that Magdalon likes to visit. She will also learn a vital lesson this night.”

“Be careful,” Akiko instructed.

“I will.”

With that I left and wandered the dark streets of High Society, staying near shadows and scurrying along the darkest paths and places against buildings. I noticed Tonrar from time to time, their heavy aura preceding them, giving me plenty of warning so that I hid myself on each occasion. They didn’t hide their existence at night but seemed to roam freely as they hunted for victims. I watched as the black mists passed by, then, when I knew it was safe, continued my journey.

The trip took me longer than I had imagined. There were more Tonrar about than I had anticipated and the hiding and avoiding took up a large portion of my trek. Arriving at the first location, I checked the front door and found it locked. I proceeded to a side window and, upon inspection, discovered that the secured latch was easy to manipulate. I opened the window and prepared to enter.

Cursing my long frock and cumbersome cloak, I decided to remove the dark cloak and leave it outside the window. Tucking the skirt of my dress up into my waistband gave me better mobility. I quietly entered through the window and set my feet on the floor without a sound. Removing a throwing knife from my leg wrapping near my boot, I cautiously wandered through the house until I reached a bed chamber. The door was slightly ajar and I opened it farther and glanced inside.

Phinn and his unfaithful coverling were both sound asleep, their snores filling the space as though there was no danger. The woman’s dark hair was spread across her white pillow. I took my throwing knife, aimed and sent it sailing through the air. It landed with a thud, directly through her skull. Her snore faded away with one last shaky breath as death descended, cutting her off from the land of the living. Phinn moved slightly but he stayed asleep.

Moving in close, I removed the knife from the woman’s head and tucked it back into my leg wrappings. Retracing my steps, I slipped through the window, locked the latch, adjusted my frock and placed the cloak back over my shoulders and secured it.

Sticking close to shadowy buildings, homes and structures, I navigated the streets to the bath house address Kieran had given me. Surprisingly, I noticed no Tonrar on my journey there and was grateful.

The bathhouse oil lanterns were still shining through the front window when I arrived. Kieran shared vital information with me, the girl’s name, her hair color, her residence within the house and the exact window that would give the best access to her room. I didn’t know how he came by all of this information so easily and I didn’t care. I again shed my cloak outside the window and tucked my skirt in at my waist. The alley that ran alongside the building was dark and would hide my cloak well. I stuffed it in behind a rock just to be safe.

Crawling through the window with stealth, I closed the opening and silently wandered down the hallway. The second door to the left was my destination. Grabbing the handle told me that it was locked from the inside. I removed one of my knives, stuck it between the door and frame and manipulated the lock until it gave a soft click.

Swinging the door open, I advanced cautiously and saw that the woman was fast asleep, her red hair splayed out around her head. This girl didn’t deserve a throwing knife. Kieran had given me a lot of information about her and her extensive history with Magdalon. She’d been the one he’d even had nerve to visit numerous times in the last few days after our heated discussion of his whoring ways. Fury fueled me as I approached and withdrew my short double-edged sword.

Placing the blade against her throat, I waited for her to wake up. She stretched, winced, her eyes slowly opened and stark terror spread across her face.

Placing a finger to my lips, I said, “Don’t speak.”

Her eyes begged me for mercy.

“No one messes with my covering,” I said as I sliced the blade across her delicate neck with force. Blood poured from the wound and the girl began to panic, making frantic noises.

I took the blade and, with skill, drove it through her heart. The fight left her as her life force flitted away and her body collapsed against the white sheet. Wiping the bloody blade with her blanket, I returned it to its hiding place within my frock and retracted my steps down the hall and to the window.

Once outside, I again adjusted my garb and cloak, resealed the window and hurried back to my estate. The Tonrar were more active the closer I drew to my home but I was able to avoid them by concealing myself each time one approached. I finally arrived at the hidden gate, took out the reed pipe, released the bird-like trill and waited for Akiko to let me in.

I heard her on the far side as she undid the lock. The gate opened and I slipped inside.

Back in my bed chamber, Akiko helped me undress. She studied the blood on my skirt and cleaned my used weapons with a cloth. “I’ll wash your dress myself,” she said.

“That’s a good idea. We wouldn’t want the servants asking about the blood stains.”

“Or question why you would wear such a low-born dress.”

Helping me into my nightgown, Akiko asked, “So I take it that your night’s mission was a success?”

“Two of Magdalon’s mistresses have been eliminated.”

Akiko nodded. “You must be exhausted after your excursion. I’ll let you rest.” With that she left my room.

I crawled beneath my covers and couldn’t help the smile that curled my lips. The night’s rewarding foray brought me extreme joy.

Curiosity pricked me at how Magdalon would respond to the news of two of his secret indiscretions being murdered. I wondered what he would say or if he would even mention it at all. I wondered if he’d suspect my involvement.

I hardly slept that night as adrenaline raged through my body and laughter kept bubbling up at the memories of the killings. As light began to tickle the horizon, I finally drifted off into a solid sleep.


…To Be Continued…

Next Story…

Colleen Reimer

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