
#11 Clear Instructions Given

Submitted By: Linda Rayner


Spring, with its warm breezes, new emerald growth and budding flowers, was transitioning into the hot days of summer as June was gradually drawing to a close. Although it should have been a time of anticipating the lazy, laidback days of summer holidays, the season proved to be difficult and the coming months appeared dreary.

Being a stay-at-home mom, I usually had the summer planned out, keeping our four pre-teen children occupied with many fun adventures. Unfortunately, the upcoming summer didn’t hold any grand plans of family vacations or exciting activities.

Life has a way of throwing curve balls and we, as a family, were juggling an array of harsh realities. Difficult circumstances had shadowed that usually anticipated time of year. I had a car accident in the month of March, my body had been seriously damaged and I was incapable of any strenuous physical activity. That spring I spent a lot of time on the couch trying to heal and get stronger. Also, in the third week of June, my husband badly broke his leg and needed surgery, which would require him to be on crutches for several months.

Summer loomed and our four pre-teen children were looking at the two of us for some direction. Through their young eyes, the summer months appeared to be dreary indeed, hunkering down at home with nothing to do. There were no grand or exciting adventures in their future and both of their parents were incapacitated.

In a turn of events, some of our son’s friends invited them to go camping with them. The boys were thrilled, they would have a blast, and I was grateful for the offer. But, this meant that our two daughters were left out and I felt badly for them.

The day came when my husband was in the hospital awaiting surgery, the boys were camping and I was at home with our girls. My oldest daughter came to me and asked if she and her younger sister could sleep in a tent in the backyard that night. Seeing the boys were enjoying a camping experience, they wanted their own adventure.

I wanted them also to have fun, so I agreed to their suggestion, but I told them that I was not able to help. My body was in too much pain. This plan of theirs would only transpire if the two of them were able to erect the tent on their own. Slowly and methodically my daughters put the tent pieces together until the dark orange, temporary structure stood like a proud testament to their hard work.

Giddy and cheerful, the two of them then happily moved the necessary items from the house into the tent and prepared to sleep out in the yard.

An uneasy feeling began to stir in my heart over the girls’ sleep over outside. The idea of joining them in the tent came and vanished quickly. I realized that with my injuries, my body could not cope with hunkering down on the ground. As the girls continued to transfer items from the house into the tent, the unsettled feeling persisted.

Although the yard was fenced, the gate was not locked and that bothered me. I finally considered an idea.

“Girls, I’d like you to tie the gate shut with pieces of rope. Loop the rope in and out through the latches to sort of lock them, at least the best you can.”

They were willing to go along with the idea, I found some rope and they did as I asked, securing the gate to the best of their ability. Afterwards, they settled into their sleeping bags and chatted for a while, I could hear their soft voices through the patio door before they eventually fell silent. The still and quiet backyard told me they had drifted off.

As I prepared for bed, I continued to feel unsettled. The last thing I did before going to bed was to send my springer spaniel out to do her final ‘business’ before I would turn out the lights. When I called my dog back inside, a very unusual thing happened, I heard a distinct voice above my head giving me very clear instructions.

“Put the dog in the tent.”

I have heard God’s voice before, but I can’t remember ever hearing such a firm instruction coming from outside of myself. I don’t know whether the voice was audible, but I certainly heard the words loud and clear within my mind. Confounded at the unusual happening, I remember responding in my thoughts.

I can’t do that, she will bark at every little sound.

I continued to call her into the house. Again I heard the voice, more emphatically this time.

“Put the dog in the tent.”

Speaking out loud this time, I said, “I can’t do that! She’ll bark!” As I called the dog in and she arrived at the threshold of the door, the voice spoke with much more urgency, commanding me.

“I said, put the dog in the tent!”

I was fully aware that this was not my own thought, because I was fighting with the idea. Looking up, I said, “Okay, but if she barks, it’s on you!”

Leading the dog to the tent, I placed her inside with my sleeping daughters, zipped up the opening, went into the house and wandered upstairs to bed.

At approximately four-thirty in the morning, I could hear my dog barking like crazy in the back yard. Hauling myself out of bed, with my bedroom being on the second level, I went to an upstairs window overlooking the yard and called to my dog to be quiet. I suddenly noticed my oldest daughter’s hand poke out of the tent flaps, waving at me to stop.

Hurrying downstairs to the patio door, it wasn’t long, a few minutes, and my oldest daughter came flying into the house with the dog at her heels.

Looking frantic and spooked, she said, “Mom, there were two men trying to get into the yard. I woke up because I heard them trying to open the gate and I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want to run into the house because I didn’t want to leave my sister out there by herself. When I looked down, I saw the dog was in the tent with us so I woke her up and pushed her out into the yard. The dog didn’t really want to go out but when she heard the noise at the gate, she started barking and rushing the gate, jumping wildly at it. I think she scared the men away.”

“Wow!” I said, flabbergasted at the surreal tale.

“Mom, why was the dog in the tent? She has never been allowed to be in the tent before.”

I then told my daughter what I felt God had asked me to do, put the dog in the tent for the night.

God protected my daughters in a way I would not have thought of. I believe God brought that feeling of unease and unsettledness to my spirit to warn me of danger. First, He placed the idea into my mind of tying the gate shut. Secondly, He very clearly told me the plan of safety, having the dog sleep with the girls for the night. Thirdly, He facilitated my oldest daughter waking up to the noise of the men attempting to untie the gate.

I am so grateful for God’s loving care that night so many years ago. God showed me how much He loved us all by protecting my daughters from a dangerous situation, which could have ended so badly. I am grateful that I listened to that voice, God’s voice, and obeyed.


Submitted by: Linda Rayner




Once we get to Heaven and God shows us a reel of our life, we will discover how many times we were rescued, protected or redirected by supernatural means. What a divine privilege it is that, during our time on earth, God gives us snapshots into the supernatural realm, unusual happenings that announce that Heaven is present and involved in our lives.


For he will command his angels concerning you
    to guard you in all your ways.

Psalm 91:11


If you would like to share a personal story of supernatural protection or angelic activity in your history, please reach out. Private message me on Facebook messenger and I will explain the details. I would love to share your testimony through my newsletter mailout and, if you are willing, on my blog as an encouragement to others. As it says in Hebrews 3:13, “Encourage one another daily, as long as it is called ‘Today’”.

Also, you are welcome to share this story with your friends and family, or with anyone who needs some encouragement.




Colleen Reimer

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